Some of you are likely wondering what a ‘healthy living lifestyle’ means. My response, it generally means different things to different people. However, for me, it is a holistic and lifelong behaviour and way of being. It includes a healthy mind, body and spirit – they are all interconnected. When one is off-balance, it impacts the other parts of our being. Eating healthy wholesome foods, exercising in its various forms, getting enough sleep, finding time for relaxation, meditation or prayer, can help to keep all aspects in balance. Yes, stresses will arrive in life, but I find that practicing a healthy living lifestyle gives us the foundation to better deal with them.
Adopting a healthy living lifestyle can transform your life for the better. You can start at any age to reap the benefits. If practiced consistently, oftentimes, you will feel the difference within a few weeks – with improved energy levels, you will sleep better, have less brain fog, your mood may improve and more. Though, it will depend upon on the type and level of changes that you make.
Remember, it takes about 21 days for a behaviour, when done regularly, to become a habit, and 90 days for it be a lasting, permanent behaviour. Though it’s not the same for everyone. It depends upon your starting point. For example, if you are just beginning, you may see a difference in two to three weeks. For those aiming for significant weight reduction, it may take about 4 to 6 months to see a difference. At times, it may not be apparent on the scale, but you will notice that your clothes start to fit differently because of the changes taking place in your body composition. Be patient, keep going. Slow and steady will lead to positive, enduring results.
As I always say, and it is worth repeating, it is about setting realistic goals and being consistent in sticking with them. Yes, some days we may get off-track. Don’t stress too much about it. Healthy living does not mean that we cannot falter from time to time. For example, we have a little ‘treat’ (in moderation), or we miss a workout day, or two – life happens. Get back on track the next day. It is about moderation, choosing healthy options, sometimes pivoting (e.g., you miss a workout day, then go for a brisk walk, take the stairs to your office, etc.), and challenging yourself in a positive way to do better each time.
Adopting a healthy living lifestyle may seem daunting at first, but once you start, it gets easier. It will become a natural way of being.
I interviewed Elizabeth Edwards who shared a touching story about how maintaining a healthy living lifestyle literally changed her life. You can listen to her story here: https://youtu.be/-oU23WRyJaI. She confirms a lot of the points mentioned in this article. With focus and commitment, you can also maintain a healthy living lifestyle – and pass it on.
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By: Marlene Roache, Healthy Eating Coach, Owner and Founder of La Tropiqua – Healthy Living. For Life Ltd.